Back to School!
Our Human Resources team regularly visits Hotel and Restaurant Schools to meet their future graduates. Involvement, Initiative, Inspiration and Innovation are the values of the Inwood Hotels group and we are happy to share them with the students we meet, who are always full of novelty and creativity. We like to exchange with them and discover the fresh eyes they may have on the world of work. We would like to share with them our vision of life in a company, to explain to them the importance we attach to people and the way we reconcile well-being and work.
We would like to thank all the schools we work with on a daily basis for the welcome they give us at company events, and for giving us the opportunity to meet passionate and exciting students. We have the pleasure of working regularly with Savignac, Ferrières, Vatel and the Institut Paul Bocuse and we are delighted with the personalities we discover during the internships or work placements they do with us. We are happy to integrate into the great family of Inwood Lovers, all the students who share our values!