Dear readers,

How to successfully transcribe the emotions that seized me during this special day for my family. I can understand your amazement when reading these lines. In fact, I was born in France and this festival is not a part of our customs... But my mother wanted that I try to permeates and to understand cultures from each country. In this way, I will have a better adaptation to the environment around me she thought.

The 24th of November 1996, I came for the first time in US, specifically in the city which is nicknamed the "Big Apple". Known worldwide as a land of opportunity that never sleeps. Just arrived at JFK, I was ecstatic to discover a new environment. My impatience was huge, especially after my first experience in Japan where I accompanied my father on a business trip. This new adventure had a special flavor, I was surrounded by my parents and it delighted me.


Our journey started one day before the Thanksgiving day, we could already feel the excitement. My parents had rented for the occasion a beautiful apartment on the top floor of a building, the view was splendid. It was a magnificent spectacle, I was in heaven just by admiring the city view by the windows.

Unfortunately, my parents told me that we would not leave the apartment because my grandmother came the evening to visit us. My grandmother still decided to show me the city in which she grew up. It was probably one of my best New York nightlife. We were both in one of the largest cities of the United States, a day of national celebration. I felt good with her, everyone seemed happy in this special day, I still remember all those smiles ...

We were fascinated by Macy's Thanksgiving Parade Day. There were floats, marching bands and cheerleaders. We are also seeing huge balloons in the shape of Mickey Mouse. I had never seen this before, I was amazed, in awe of this American excessiveness that surprised me. We finished the evening by looking street performances in the middle of Times Square. I was living a fairy tale, I was happy as after a day at an amusement park. We had spent the night together, walking, it was a special moment we shared in this fantastic city.

I did not realize the time of our absence to wander in the streets. Hundreds of souvenir flooded in my mind I was just happy. My dear readers, I will leave you on this last sentence : this wonderful spirit of Thanksgiving which is to share a good meal and a good day with the people that you loved and you cared.

See you soon !